
The food industry includes everything from seeds, farming and agriculture to research, services, manufacturing, processing, distribution, warehousing, transport and logistics. Although many of the food industries depend on elements like agriculture and fishing, none of them can function without technology.

How to become a


Pūkenga Tao Kai

Chefs are responsible for the sourcing, procurement, preparation and cooking of food in a wide variety of hospitality establishments. They also manage food costing, budgets, accounts and relationships with suppliers

Skill demand


Average Salary

$39 -$100k

How to become a

Food Technologist

Kaihangarau Kai

Food technologists are involved with the development, research and improvement of current and new food, drink and consumable products. Including technical process development support for all aspects of production, quality assurance and marketing.

Skill demand


Average Salary

$50 -$100k



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