Waihiko is our interpretation of the atua (god) of electricity. An element that has always been there but only in recent times has humankind had the capacity and capability to interact with her. The daughter of Tamanuiterā (The Sun) and Rua Korekore (the potential), Waihiko loved to race across the solar system with her māmā and pāpā.
Ko Waihiko tā mātou whakatinanatanga atua mo te hiko. He pūmotu māori i te taiao, heoi nō ngā rau tau kua pahure anake, āhei ai te ira tangata te pāhekoheko atu ki a ia me te whakamahi i te hiko hei whakawhanake i ā tātou hangarau. E ai ki te pūrākau nei, koia te tamāhine o Tamanuiterā rāua ko Rua Korekore, ā, he hoka i ngā rangi tūhāhā tā rātou mahi ia te rā, ia te rā.
E timu ana, e pari ana ngā tai o te ao hurihuri, ā, e pōkai ana tātou i ngā moana matihiko, ahakoa te tūmomo mahi, te pae tawhiti e whai nei tātou. He uaua te kite, te rongo hoki i te hononga ki te ao matihiko me ōnā rawa - he ao tauhou, he hangarau tauhou hoki. Me pēhea to tātou whakaū i ngā kawa me ngā tikanga, te whakamana rānei i te tapu me te noa i tēnei ao?
te Waihiko pūrākau provides a narrative that shows a Māori connection to the digital, technological realms and highlights the power we have to harness unlimited potential. But with power comes great responsibility.
Mā wai te pūnaha nei?
Te Ara Waihiko has been designed to support Māori interested in tech, digital or creative careers. Whether you are still in high school, already studying something else, have been working for a few years or have never studied anything before – there is a pathway and support just for you.