I waihangatia a Te Ara Waihiko mō:
- Te hunga e hiahia ana te whai pae tawhiti rerekē/hou
- Te hunga e whakaaro ana mo te uru ki ngā ao matihiko, auaha, tā, hangarau rānei
- Ngā ākonga kei te kura e āta wānanga ana he aha kei tua
- Te hunga e hiahia tautoko ana i tō pōkai huarahi i te ao matihiko
Te Ara Waihiko has everything you need to help you find your way into a study pathway and career you can be proud of.
Tō pitomata, he rua kanapū, wehi ana.
Your potential is something to behold, like the lightning that lights up the skies
Te Ara Waihiko is a national discovery platform designed to inspire, connect and support Māori into pathways for creative and digital careers and support industry leaders prepare themselves for Māori. Te Ara Waihiko started out as a story written by Hori-Te-Ariki Mataki, Kaihautū at Ariki Creativewhai muri i tōnā wānanga ki ētahi rangatahi i te tau XNUMX.
“I a mātou e wānanga ana, i puta ngā kōrero mo ngā āhuatanga whakamaru matihiko, ā, ka taka te kapa! Kāre he pakiwaitara, he pūrākau hai whakaatu i te hononga o te ao Māori me ōnā tikanga ki ngā hangarau hou o tō tātou ao.” korero about how te ao Māori me ōnā tikanga translates to technology.”
Three days after that focus group, the pūrākau of Waihiko was born. In 2020 the team at Ariki Creative came together to bring Waihiko to life along with a platform that connects creative and digital career pathways to the innovators and explorers that are looking for them