Taipitopito Te kōrero o Waihiko
Pūrākau provide a framework for how we might engage with the different elements in our taiao, how they behave and how we can interact with each other. The story of Waihiko aims to provide a narrative that affirms a Māori perspective of our connection to the digital, technological realm and spark thinking around our ability and capacity to engage in this space, to utilise devices and technology for the betterment of future generations.

Mā wai te pūnaha nei? He aha Waihiko
I waihangatia a Te Ara Waihiko hei pūnaha akiaki i a Ngāi Māori te whai i ngā ara namunamu o te ao matihiko, auaha, hangarau hoki - ahakoa tō pakeke, ō pukenga, ō tohu rānei. Matomato ana ngā rauemi, ngā hononga, ngā kurahuna hei tāpiri ki tō kete hei hāpai i tō pōkai i te ao matihiko.
Ngā Ika ā whiro Ngāi Māori e kōkiri ana i te ao matihiko
Ānei ētahi māngai o ngāi tāua e kōkiri kaupapa ana i te ao hangarau, matihiko, auaha hoki hei tauira mā tātou katoa. He kōrero mō ō rātou kaupapa, te ara i whāia kia ao ō rātou wawata, ngā wero, ngā rautaki, ngā akoranga, te pae ki tua, te hiranga o te whakaaro Māori me te tāngata Māori i te ao matihiko hoki.

Hori Te Ariki Mataki (Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tahu)

Kaye-Maree Dunn(Te Rarawa, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Mahanga)